Erin’s enthusiasm for teaching becomes apparent to anyone she meets. Erin views her role as teacher to be inspiring, challenging, fulfilling, and a great privilege. Erin expresses gratitude for her experience as an educator for more than 30 years teaching students from various backgrounds, each with their own personalities and needs. Erin takes great care to provide support, patience, and encouragement for each student, and to be responsive for any student that suffers from anxiety, or has specific learning differences such as dyslexia, ADD, or Asperger diagnosis.
Erin credits her parents for being the best examples of what it means to be life-long learners. Her youngest brother was diagnosed with autism in the late 1960’s.  Despite challenges, her family embraced their journey, with love, empathy, and humor. Growing up with a special needs brother enhanced her ability to communicate effectively with students, families, and colleagues.
Erin taught kindergarten and third grade in CT after her college years at UCONN. In 1990, Erin relocated to the Bay Area to teach third grade locally, and complete post-graduate work at Cal State East Bay. A position teaching third grade in a local private school with the promise of outstanding professional development piqued her interest. Erin happily accepted the position to become part of an extraordinary school community.She describes her experience working with such caring and talented educators as pivotal in her journey. Erin joined BATDC, Bay Area Development Collaborative. She became a member of a research group known as Project Zero for Harvard Graduate School of Education and earned a fellowship.

In 2005, Erin accomplished her lifelong ambition to develop her own practice devoted to teaching and learning. Creative Strategies for Learning proudly joins others in our community in the belief that our efforts in the present will impact the quality of our students’ lives for many years to come.